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Home CRM Solutions

The Lifeline of your Customer Relationship

A Customer Relationship Management tool, Cloud CRM Software is a comprehensive solution that enables an organization in development by maintaining the data of the customers most efficiently while capturing all pre-sale and post-sale force interactions of the customer. INTACT CRM Software comprises a comprehensive functionality that caters to all enterprise requirements for retaining customer support and loyalty, leveraging on the following capabilities for an effective customer management

Sales Force Automation
Contact Center Management
Campaign Management
Service Support Management
AMC Management

Asset Management
WorkShop Management
Loyalty Program
IT Infrastructure and information assets
Gives a competitive edge

Sales Force Automation Software

SalesForce Automation – Prospective client tracking through various stages


Target setting for marketing executives
Inquiries from potential and existing customers
Quotations and amendments to quotations with complete history
Pre & Post SalesForce activity and achievement
Scheduling sales calls & tracking expenses
List of prospective clients as of the date
Schedule cum activity
Open / Lost Quotations
Expense vs. sales
Quotation amendment history

Contact Center Management

Hewnet company provides INTACT CRM Software on the cloud which helps sales force automation and maintains the customer information/database and receives customer complaints/requirements for spares etc. online. The system is available for your company in pre-sales and post-sales force automation and helps in the development of a database by assigning a unique complaint no. / request no. to the customer which helps the customer track their complaints. The software assigns the complaints or requests, to the concerned engineers/branches, etc. for further action.

Campaign Management

This solution provides a capability for the development of campaigns for your company for any sales and marketing-related activities or for any updates to be provided to customers. Maintains the data of all customers who can be selected partially or in full from the main database of customers to run the campaign. The campaign can be scheduled periodically as per the choice for effective communication of the specific event planned. Campaigns can be run on Email or by SMS if an SMS integration with a third party is facilitated.

Service Support Management

INTACT CRM Software solutions of Hewnet, based on a cloud system, help your company to manage your inventory of spares and consumables for effective after-sales support which matters the most for an organization like yours. The spare management system will monitor the inventory and alarm about the new developments such as availability of spares, re-order level and even generate intent for purchase/manufacturing. This module will also help the organization to track their spare parts sales and movement of spares product-wise, model-wise, and even region-wise. This module of INTACT CRM helps the organization not only in the customer relationship by maintaining proper inventory but also in generating and monitoring the spare sales targets through monitoring the sales force automation.

AMC Management

It has been proven that the company which does not believe in maintaining a proper database of its customers, its pre-sales and post-sales behaviour and its respective ownership of products, hampers its own development, does much lesser business and has less satisfied customers than those who have properly implemented a quality Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software. Reading the pre-sales behaviour helps companies in getting customers while post-sales behaviour helps in retaining them. In pre and post INTACT CRM Software solutions, we have given a lot of emphasis on the AMC Management Module as we believe the success of any business today lies in the effective management of its products and customers.

This module, on the cloud, will track all the machines which are out of warranty and generate and pop up reports for AMC registration customer wise, product wise, region wise etc. It also helps to maintain your inventory. The unique feature of this module is the calculation of AMC charges on a pro-rate basis. So, make a happy customer but while earning more money for your enterprise!!!

Asset Management

Unlike other Customer Relationship Management software INTACT CRM Software solutions, on the cloud, focuses not only on customers but also on the products they use and the developments in their preferences. This module helps you track the warranty status of each product sold to the customer till the warranty is on. This module will also monitor the preventive maintenance of each product in the inventory as per the schedule.

Workshop Management

INTACT CRM Software Repair Management solutions on cloud CRM System helps to maintain the details of the spares or products as they come for Repairs and further Return (R&R) of products to the customers. The module will track all the functions of this department including assigning the job to an engineer for completion and further returning the product back to the customer from the inventory.


Here, a variety of loyalty programs can be designed and managed for your company for the existing customer database.


Redeem points management
Direct Mailing Exercise
Regular EDM activities etc.

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